Videos Of Wolf Spiders

Below you will find videos of wolf spiders found on the internet. Comments are added to a few of the videos while other videos are shown without comments.

Two attacks but no success

In this video a millipede gets to close to a Wolf spider burrow. As the typical ambusher it is, the Wolf spider lies completely still until it can strike at the Millipede. Eventually, and after two attacks (the second being the most violent), the Millipede manages to get away. The Millipede could be badly hurt if the spider managed to poison it. Millipedes has a defense mechanisn in the form of an acid that it secretes. It is unlikely though that the Wolf spider got damaged. Had there been a chance of that the Wolf spider would probably not have attacked in the first place.

Silk and Wolf spider reproduction

Even Wolf spiders need silk to find a mate. Wolf spiders use silk when they create a drag-line behind them. In the video above,, a male detect a female by her dragline. The dance desribed at the home page, is seen in this video. After the mating we see how the female spins a silken sheet to provide a soft padding for her eggs. Finally she lays her egg in a liquid that is laid onto the silken sheet. There are many eggs in the liquid. Then she spins even more silk that she wraps around the egg sac. Finally the whole capsule is covered by an even stronger silk. The sheets ends are then loosened and covered around the eggsac and she now caries the eggs with her where ever she goes. She likes to take it outside in the sun to speed up the maturation process. The newly hatched spiderlings crawl up her legs and sits tight on her abdomen by using silk.

The Wolf Spider – and how they produce eggs

In the video above, a female Wolf spider release the silk that attracts a male Wolf spider, and three weeks after mating, the female lays eggs. You will see the whole process and what kinds of measures the female spider takes to protect her eggs and nurse the spiderlings after they hatch. Interestingly, these spider babies spent some time after hatching attached to their mother.

Wolf spider

A guy caught a Wolf spider at his workplace, and is trying to feed a fly to it, but it seems that the Wolf spider don’t have any interest in the fly. Basically, it just want to get out of the jar or cup in which the person has kept it.

A huge Wolf spider

In this video you will see a huge Wolf spider that was spotted by person in his home outside a wall very late in the night.

Some factual aspects of the large Australian Wolf Spider

Wolf spiders are fast moving predators and have excellent eye sight. In this video a female Wolf spider hunts a grasshopper. Even if they can’t see it with their very good eye sight, they can sense prey by vibration. They feel it by the hairs on their legs.