What Do Wolf Spiders Eat: A Comprehensive Guide to Their Diet

If you’ve ever come across a wolf spider in the wild, you may have wondered what these fearsome creatures feed on. As one of the most common types of spiders, they can be found in a variety of environments, from forests to deserts. But what do wolf spiders eat exactly? These spiders are known for being predators, and most of what they eat are insects and other small arthropods. In this article, we’ll explore the fascinating world of wolf spiders and their eating habits, including how they hunt and what types of prey they prefer. So, if you’re curious about what do wolf spiders eat, keep reading!

What do wolf spiders look like?

Describe appearance of wolf spiders
Picture by: Animal Sake

With over 2,300 species, wolf spiders come in various shapes and sizes. Most commonly, these spiders are identified by their black or brown body color and light and dark stripes running down their length. Their distinctive appearance is also characterized by three rows of eyes, with the first row being the smallest and the other two rows arranged in sets of four and two. Even though they look scary, wolf spiders are usually harmless to humans and are important for keeping insect populations in check.

What kind of habitat do wolf spiders need?

Wolf spiders are found all around the world and can survive in a range of environments. However, they do have certain habitat preferences that are necessary for their survival. Here are some of the habitats that wolf spiders need:

Moist environments

Many species of wolf spiders prefer damp environments such as forests, wetlands, and grasslands. These habitats provide the necessary moisture for the spiders to thrive.

Vegetated areas

Wolf spiders are often found in vegetated areas such as meadows, gardens, and fields. These areas provide shelter and food sources for the spiders.

Underground burrows

Some species of wolf spiders prefer to live in underground burrows. These burrows provide shelter and protection from predators.

Rocky areas

Some species of wolf spiders can be found in rocky areas such as cliffs, rocky outcroppings, and boulder fields. These areas provide shelter and hiding places for the spiders.

Human-made structures

Wolf spiders are adaptable and can also be found in human-made structures such as buildings, homes, and gardens. In these environments, they often hide in crevices, cracks, and other small spaces.

Overall, wolf spiders are highly adaptable and can survive in a variety of habitats. As long as their basic needs for shelter, moisture, and food are met, they can thrive in many different environments.

What does a wolf spider eat?

Talk about the diet of wolf spiders
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Wolf spiders are found all around the world and can survive in a range of environments. However, they do have certain habitat preferences that are necessary for their survival. Here are some of the habitats that wolf spiders need:

  • Moist environments: Many species of wolf spiders prefer damp environments such as forests, wetlands, and grasslands. These habitats provide the necessary moisture for the spiders to thrive.
  • Vegetated areas: Wolf spiders are often found in vegetated areas such as meadows, gardens, and fields. These areas provide shelter and food sources for the spiders.
  • Underground burrows: Some species of wolf spiders prefer to live in underground burrows. These burrows provide shelter and protection from predators.
  • Rocky areas: Some species of wolf spiders can be found in rocky areas such as cliffs, rocky outcroppings, and boulder fields. These areas provide shelter and hiding places for the spiders.
  • Human-made structures: Wolf spiders are adaptable and can also be found in human-made structures such as buildings, homes, and gardens. In these environments, they often hide in crevices, cracks, and other small spaces.

What does a wild wolf spider eat?

Wild wolf spiders feed on a wide range of prey, depending on their habitat and availability. They are opportunistic feeders and will consume any small invertebrate they can catch. In addition to insects, they may also eat other spiders, small crustaceans, and even small vertebrates such as lizards and frogs.

What does a pet wolf spider eat?

If you keep a pet wolf spider, it’s important to provide it with a diet that closely resembles what it would eat in the wild. In general, you should feed your pet wolf spider live insects. The specific types of insects that you feed it will depend on the size of the spider and its species. Some common insects that you can feed your pet wolf spider include:


Crickets are a great food source for wolf spiders. They are easy to find and are readily available at most pet stores.


Mealworms are another good food option for wolf spiders. They are high in protein and are relatively easy to digest.


Roaches are another common food source for wolf spiders. They are rich in nutrients and provide a good source of hydration.

When feeding your pet wolf spider, make sure that you only offer it live insects. Dead insects are not as appealing to wolf spiders and may not provide the same level of nutrition. Additionally, make sure that the insects you feed your pet are appropriate for its size and species. Overfeeding your pet wolf spider can lead to obesity, which can cause health problems.

What does a baby wolf spider eat?

Talk about diet of a baby wolf spider
Picture by: AZ Animals

Baby wolf spiders, also known as spiderlings, primarily feed on small insects that they can easily catch. They are too small to eat larger prey, such as adult crickets, so they need to feed on tiny prey. Some common food sources for baby wolf spiders include:

Fruit flies

Fruit flies are an excellent food source for baby wolf spiders. They are small, easy to catch, and rich in nutrients.


Gnats are another tiny insect that baby wolf spiders may feed on. They are commonly found in moist environments and are easy for spiderlings to catch.


Springtails are tiny insects that can be found in soil and leaf litter. They are small enough for baby wolf spiders to eat and are a good source of nutrition.

As baby wolf spiders grow, they will start to feed on larger prey. Small crickets and other small insects may be added to their diet as they mature. It’s important to make sure that the prey items you feed your baby wolf spider are small enough for it to eat without difficulty

What do wolf spiders eat in the winter?

Wolf spiders are cold-blooded animals, which means their metabolism slows down during the winter months. As a result, they tend to eat less during this time. However, they are still active and will continue to hunt for food when temperatures permit.

During the winter, the types of prey that wolf spiders feed on may change. Insects such as crickets, grasshoppers, and flies may be less abundant during the winter, so wolf spiders may switch to feeding on other types of prey, such as other spiders or small invertebrates. In some cases, they may even resort to cannibalism, where they will eat other wolf spiders if prey is scarce.

In addition to hunting for food, wolf spiders may also enter a state of dormancy, called diapause, during the winter months. During diapause, their metabolic activity slows down even further, and they may stop feeding altogether. This can help them conserve energy and survive the winter months when food may be scarce.

What do wolf spiders eat in the desert?

wolf spider what do they eat
What do wolf spiders eat in the desert

Wolf spiders are well adapted to living in the desert, and their diet in this environment reflects the types of prey that are available. Some of the prey items that wolf spiders eat in the desert include:


Insects such as crickets, grasshoppers, and beetles are common prey for wolf spiders in the desert. These insects are often abundant in desert environments and are an important food source for many predators, including wolf spiders.


Scorpions are another common prey item for wolf spiders in the desert. While scorpions are venomous, many species of wolf spiders are immune to their venom and are able to feed on them without harm.

Other spiders

Wolf spiders are known to feed on other spiders, including tarantulas and other wolf spiders. They may even engage in cannibalism, where they will eat other members of their own species if food is scarce.

Small reptiles

In some cases, larger species of wolf spiders may feed on small reptiles, such as lizards or geckos. While this is less common than feeding on insects, it does occur in some desert environments.

Finally, what wolf spiders eat in the desert depends on what they can find to eat there. They are opportunistic hunters and will feed on a variety of prey items as they are available.

How do wolf spiders eat?

Wolf spiders are hunters and use their powerful jaws to capture and eat their prey. Here’s a brief overview of how wolf spiders eat:


Wolf spiders are active hunters and will actively search for prey. They have good eyesight and can see how their prey moves from a long way away. Once they spot their prey, they will chase after it and use their speed and agility to capture it.


Once a wolf spider has caught its prey, it will bite it with its powerful jaws, injecting venom into the prey. The venom stops the victim from moving and starts to break down the victim’s internal tissues, which makes it easier for the spider to eat.


After biting its prey, the wolf spider will begin to digest it. Wolf spiders have a unique digestive system that includes a set of digestive glands called the midgut gland. These glands produce digestive enzymes that break down the internal tissues of the prey, turning it into a soupy liquid that can be easily consumed.


Once the prey has been digested, the wolf spider will consume it. They are able to consume both solid and liquid foods and can eat prey that is much larger than their own body size.

Frankly speaking, wolf spiders are efficient predators that have evolved to be excellent hunters. Their powerful jaws, venomous bite, and unique digestive system allow them to capture and consume a wide variety of prey.

How do wolf spiders hunt?

what do wolf spiders like to eat
How do wolf spiders hunt

Wolf spiders are active hunters and use a combination of senses and physical abilities to capture their prey. Here’s a brief overview of how wolf spiders hunt:

Detecting prey

Wolf spiders have excellent eyesight and are able to detect the movement of their prey from a distance. They also have sensitive hairs on their body that can detect vibrations in the ground, helping them locate prey that is nearby.


Once they have detected their prey, wolf spiders will stalk it, moving quietly and slowly to get as close as possible without being detected. They use their agility and speed to approach their prey quickly and silently.


When the wolf spider is close enough to its prey, it will pounce, using its powerful legs to capture the prey. Wolf spiders are incredibly fast and agile, able to move quickly and change direction on a dime.


Once the prey is captured, the wolf spider will bite it with its powerful jaws, injecting venom that helps immobilize the prey and begin the process of digestion.


After biting its prey, the wolf spider will begin to consume it. They are able to eat prey that is much larger than their own body size, using their strong jaws to break it down into smaller pieces.

How often do wolf spiders eat?

wolf spider what do they eat and drink
How often do wolf spiders eat

Wolf spiders have a high metabolic rate and require a steady supply of food to survive. In general, they will eat at least every two days, though larger species of wolf spiders may eat every day to meet their energy needs. The frequency of their feeding also depends on the availability of prey in their environment. During times when food is scarce, wolf spiders may go longer periods without eating.the

How much do wolf spiders eat?

The amount that wolf spiders eat can vary depending on their size and the availability of prey in their environment. In general, wolf spiders will eat enough to meet their energy needs and sustain their activity level.

A single meal for a wolf spider typically consists of a single insect or other small prey item. Larger species of wolf spiders, on the other hand, can eat more than one meal at a time. Some larger wolf spider species have been observed eating prey that is up to three times their own body size.

How many bugs does a wolf spider eat?

On average, a single wolf spider will consume a significant number of insects over the course of its lifetime. One study found that a single wolf spider can eat up to 2,000 insects in a year. However, this number can vary widely depending on factors such as the spider’s size, the type of prey available, and the spider’s activity level.

Do wolf spiders eat black widows?

While wolf spiders are capable of eating black widows, they typically only do so when other food sources are scarce. In general, wolf spiders prefer to hunt smaller spiders, such as baby brown recluses and black widows. This is because it is easier to catch smaller spiders and they take less energy to eat than larger spiders. 

However, if prey is limited, wolf spiders may resort to feeding on black widows and other larger spiders to meet their energy needs. So, wolf spiders are opportunistic hunters and will eat a wide variety of prey items depending on what is available in their environment.

What do wolf spiders drink?

what do wolf spiders eat and drink
What do wolf spiders drink

Wolf spiders, like many other spiders, get most of the moisture they need from the prey that they eat. The fluids and internal tissues of their prey provide a source of hydration for the spider. In addition to getting moisture from their prey, wolf spiders may also drink water directly.

Wolf spiders can absorb water through their bodies, and they may drink from sources such as dew on vegetation, drops of water on the ground, or other sources of moisture. In some cases, they may even drink from small bodies of water, such as puddles or streams.

It’s worth noting that wolf spiders don’t require as much water as many other animals since they are able to get moisture from their prey. However, access to water is still important for their survival, especially in hot and dry environments where water sources may be limited.

What eats wolf spiders, and how do they avoid being eaten?

Wolf spiders have a number of predators in the wild. Here is a list of some animals that eat wolf spiders:

  • Birds: Some species of birds, such as shrikes and owls, are known to feed on wolf spiders.
  • Reptiles: Small reptiles such as lizards, geckos, and snakes are known to feed on wolf spiders.
  • Amphibians: Certain species of frogs and toads may prey on wolf spiders.
  • Other spiders: Larger spider species may feed on wolf spiders, including some orb-weaving spiders.
  • Mammals: Small mammals such as shrews and rodents have been observed feeding on wolf spiders.

Wolf spiders have therefore developed a variety of defense mechanisms to fend off predators. Here are some ways in which they protect themselves:

  • Camouflage: Wolf spiders have adapted to blend into their surroundings, making it more difficult for predators to spot them. They are typically brown or gray in color, with patterns that help them blend into their environment.
  • Speed and agility: Wolf spiders are incredibly fast and agile, and they are able to move quickly to avoid predators. They are able to jump significant distances and change direction quickly, making them difficult to catch.
  • Venomous bite: Many species of wolf spiders have a venomous bite, which they can use to defend themselves against predators. The venom can immobilize the predator, making it easier for the wolf spider to escape.
  • Mimicry: Some species of wolf spiders have evolved to mimic the appearance of other spiders, making them less attractive to predators. For example, some wolf spiders have markings that resemble those of the venomous black widow spider, which may deter potential predators.

Wolf spiders are adept hunters and have a variety of adaptations that help them fend off predators. They are able to move quickly, defend themselves with their venomous bite, and blend into their surroundings to avoid detection.


Can wolf spiders feed on prey that is toxic or poisonous?

Yes, some species of wolf spiders are immune to the venom of other spiders and can eat prey that is toxic or poisonous to other animals.

Can wolf spiders eat food that is larger than their own body size?

Yes, wolf spiders are able to consume prey that is much larger than their own body size. Their strong jaws and unique digestive system allow them to break down and consume larger prey.

What is the lifespan of a wolf spider?

The lifespan of a wolf spider can vary depending on the species, but most live for about a year or two. Some species may live for up to three years.

Can wolf spiders survive for long periods without food?

While wolf spiders can survive for short periods without food, they require a steady supply of food to survive. Their high metabolic rate means they need to eat frequently to maintain their energy levels. In general, wolf spiders will eat at least every two days, though larger species may eat every day to meet their energy needs.


In conclusion, understanding what do wolf spiders eat is essential to understanding their role in their ecosystem. These skilled and efficient hunters are opportunistic predators that feed on a variety of prey items depending on what is available in their environment. Their diet can include insects, other spiders, small reptiles, and even other members of their own species. As active hunters, wolf spiders play an important role in controlling insect populations in many ecosystems. Overall, studying what do wolf spiders eat can provide valuable insight into the complex dynamics of the natural world.

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